Car Insurance Claim Lawyer Coral Gables, FL

car insurance claim lawyer Coral Gables, FL - Model of car and gavel. Accident lawsuit or insurance, court caseAs a Coral Gables, FL car insurance claim lawyer from Perez Mayoral, P.A. has seen many times before, insurance companies are notorious for denying valid claims, and this occurs in direct proportion to the value of the claim. The more costly it is for them to payout the claim, the more likely they will refuse to pay it by denying that it is valid. Insurance companies will do this to their own customers, even the most loyal of customers who have never filed a claim and have dutifully paid their premiums every month on time for decades. In fact, this is so common that there are laws on the books that are intended to protect claimants from this morally and ethically corrupt behavior by insurance companies.

However, without hiring a lawyer, the claimant is far more vulnerable to the sneaky tricks and bully behavior that many insurance companies indulge in because they want to protect their profits. When an insurance company is faced with an experienced lawyer, like a Coral Gables car insurance claim lawyer, they often change their tune in an effort to avoid a costly lawsuit and the negative publicity that may accompany a trial. There are a few main ways that an orthodontist may commit an error when treating a patient who has been injured in a car accident:

  1. Making a mistake while treating the patient’s dental injuries.
  2. Failing to properly identify the patient’s dental injuries correctly.
  3. Failing to take action in treating the patient’s dental injuries.
  4. Not providing the proper treatment plan based on the patient’s dental injuries.

Two common examples of how an orthodontist may harm a patient include:

  • The failure to appropriately monitor a patient who they have fitted with braces, or the failure to correctly install the braces. Either scenario may result in the patient developing periodontal disease, teeth misalignment, or pain. As a result, the patient may have to undergo corrective oral surgery, and may suffer from an array of jaw problems and pain, as well as need to have teeth extracted.
  • The orthodontist disregarded that the patient was not a good candidate for certain corrective injury treatments, but provided them anyway. This can result in damaging the patient’s mouth and require costly further corrective procedures.

Even orthodontists must carry insurance because of the high risk of harming a patient should they make a mistake, especially when treating a patient who is already injured from an accident. However, even when they have costly coverage, their insurance company may fail to honor a patient’s claim against them. As a result, the patient may think they then have no recourse other than to pay out of pocket for corrective medical treatment which may be in the tens of thousands of dollars depending on their damages. And if they experienced pain and suffering as a result of the orthodontist’s mistake, they will not be compensated for those types of damages.

The alternative scenario is that the patient hires a lawyer who files another claim with the insurance company. If the insurance company refuses to negotiate a settlement in good faith, they can be held accountable in a court of law. Subsequent to filing the injury claim, the plaintiff’s attorney may opt to escalate it to a civil lawsuit against the insurance company and the orthodontist. With a strong case bolstered by compelling documentation including medical proof of injury, a good lawyer can usually obtain a settlement long before a lawsuit becomes necessary.

If you were injured by a negligent or careless orthodontist, contact a Coral Gables car insurance claim lawyer from Perez Mayoral, P.A. to learn what legal options are available to you.