Partnership Dispute Lawyer Miami, FL

partnership dispute lawyer Miami, FL - business lawyer shaking clients hand over deskAs a Miami, FL partnership dispute lawyer from Perez Mayoral, P.A. understands, just like all relationships that we have in life, business partnerships may have their ups and downs too. When things are going smoothly and everyone is feeling rewarded in their role, a business usually thrives. But when things are not going as well as planned, even little disagreements can cause major disruptions to business operations and profit. What used to be a happily collaborative business partnership may suddenly turn into a situation where there are serious concerns and everyone is at odds with each other. But thankfully, there are legal professionals and dispute approaches that can be utilized to find a resolution and peace once again.


Mediation is when a third-party mediator who is neutral to the situation assists business partners in a disagreement. Mediation only works if the business partners all agree to try to work together and reach a solution that they are okay with. A mediator is an unbiased and objective professional who can facilitate communication and decision-making between partners, with a goal to put them on the path to an even stronger partnership than they had before.

Freeze-Out Merger

If business partnership interests are not equal, then the majority owners can essentially “freeze-out” minority owners by formatting a merger with a new company owned by most of the owners. In such a situation, the minority owners are then forced out of ownership, but are paid a fair market value for their interest. Due to the complex nature of freeze-out mergers, getting help from a Miami partnership dispute lawyer with experience handling these types of transactions is imperative.


Sometimes disagreements between partners result from misconduct being committed by one or more people. Examples of disputes can be related to misappropriation of assets, fiduciary duty breach, fraud, and failure to fulfill responsibilities and obligations as expected in the partnership. By filing a lawsuit against the partner for their violation means that those who have suffered can receive financial damages for what the conduct has caused.


Disputes between partners can happen especially when they’re going through dire financial problems within the company. When the liabilities of a company outweigh the assets, it is insolvent. Instead of experiencing debt that is likely to accumulate, business partners may find that filing for bankruptcy is actually the best option. By filing for bankruptcy, it can enable a business to restructure its debt and continue to operate, so closing down the business can be avoided. As painful as bankruptcy may seem, it can be the best option for your business, and provide relief.

It is worth mentioning that there are other approaches to partnership disputes than what has been described above. Depending on the disagreement, taking the approach of a buy-out, dissolution, or sell out to new owners may be suitable. Whilte issues like this can be stressful, there are resources for you to utilize. For more insight into partnerships and handling disputes, contact a Miami partnership dispute lawyer from Perez Mayoral, P.A. before the issue can escalate further.

Mitigating Risks In Freeze-Out Merger Operations

Our Miami, FL partnership dispute lawyer knows that a freeze-out merger, also known as a squeeze-out merger, is a strategy used by majority shareholders to force minority shareholders to sell their stakes in a company. This process can be complex and fraught with legal implications, making it essential to seek the guidance of an experienced attorney. At Perez Mayoral, P.A., we provide comprehensive legal support to ensure that your freeze-out merger is executed smoothly and in compliance with all relevant laws. Attorney Perez works to exhaust all available resources he can so that he can get the best outcomes for his clients.

The Importance Of Legal Guidance

Navigating a freeze-out merger involves understanding and adhering to various state and federal regulations. The goal is to acquire minority shares while minimizing legal risks and potential disputes. An attorney with expertise in mergers and acquisitions can help you understand the nuances of the process, from planning and negotiation to execution and post-merger integration.

Structuring The Merger

One of the key roles of a Miami partnership dispute lawyer in a freeze-out merger is to help structure the transaction in a manner that complies with legal requirements and achieves your business objectives. This includes drafting and reviewing merger agreements, ensuring that all necessary disclosures are made, and obtaining any required approvals from shareholders and regulatory bodies. Our team will work closely with you to develop a merger plan that is both legally sound and strategically advantageous.

Protecting Against Legal Challenges

Freeze-out mergers can be contentious, as minority shareholders may resist being bought out. This resistance can lead to legal challenges, including claims of unfair treatment or inadequate compensation. A skilled attorney will help mitigate these risks by ensuring that the process is conducted fairly and transparently. This includes providing a fair valuation of the minority shares and documenting all steps taken to achieve the merger. Our firm will also represent you in any litigation that may arise, defending your interests and striving for a favorable outcome.

Fair Valuation

Determining the fair value of minority shares is a critical aspect of a freeze-out merger. An attorney can assist in selecting and working with independent valuation experts to ensure that the share price offered to minority shareholders is reasonable and justifiable. This not only helps in gaining the approval of minority shareholders but also strengthens your position in the event of any legal disputes. We have extensive experience in managing the valuation process, ensuring that all parties receive fair treatment.

Post-Merger Integration

The completion of a freeze-out merger is not the end of the process. Post-merger integration is vital to realizing the benefits of the transaction. An attorney can assist in managing the integration of the merged entities, addressing any remaining legal issues, and ensuring a smooth transition. Our firm is committed to supporting you through every phase of the merger, from initial planning to post-merger integration, providing the legal expertise needed to achieve your goals.

Take The Next Step

If you are considering a freeze-out merger, it’s important to seek experienced legal guidance to manage this process. Contact Perez Mayoral, P.A. today to schedule a consultation. Attorney Michael Mayoral has substantial experience with business litigation and has successfully worked on business cases for partnership disputes, breach of contract, and more. Our experienced team is ready to assist you with all aspects of your merger, ensuring a smooth and successful transaction. Let our partnership dispute lawyer in Miami help you achieve your business objectives with confidence and legal certainty.

Benefits Of A Freeze-Out Merger For Your Business

Our Miami, FL partnership dispute lawyer knows that a freeze-out merger, also known as a squeeze-out merger, is a strategic move that can offer significant advantages for your business. This corporate action involves merging a subsidiary into a parent company, effectively “freezing out” minority shareholders and leaving the majority shareholders with full control. Attorney Erik Perez is a co-founder of Perez Mayoral, P.A. and can help you with your business needs.

  1. Streamlined Decision-Making. One of the primary benefits of a freeze-out merger is the ability to streamline decision-making processes. By eliminating minority shareholders, the company can consolidate ownership and management. This leads to more efficient decision-making, as there are fewer parties to consult and fewer conflicting interests. This streamlined structure can accelerate business strategies and initiatives, allowing the company to respond more swiftly to market changes.
  2. Cost Reduction. A freeze-out merger can also result in significant cost savings. Maintaining a large number of shareholders involves substantial administrative expenses, including communication, compliance, and shareholder meetings. By reducing the number of shareholders, the company can cut these costs. Additionally, the company can avoid the complexities and expenses associated with public reporting and regulatory compliance, especially if it transitions from a public to a private entity.
  3. Enhanced Privacy. Going private through a freeze-out merger enhances the privacy of the company’s financial and operational information. Public companies are required to disclose detailed financial data and strategic plans, which can be accessible to competitors and the public. By becoming a privately held company, the business can keep its financial information confidential, allowing for greater strategic flexibility and protection of proprietary information.
  4. Increased Control for Majority Shareholders. Our partnership dispute lawyer in Miami can tell you that a freeze-out merger consolidates control within the hands of majority shareholders. This increased control enables them to implement their vision and strategic goals without the need to appease minority shareholders. This can be particularly beneficial in situations where majority shareholders have a clear direction for the company that might not align with the views of minority shareholders.
  5. Simplified Corporate Structure. Simplifying the corporate structure is another advantage of a freeze-out merger. The merger process can eliminate complex multi-entity arrangements, making it easier to manage the company’s operations and finances. A streamlined structure can also make it easier to pursue future transactions, such as acquisitions or sales, without the complications that can arise from having a large and diverse shareholder base.
  6. Opportunity for Minority Shareholders. While a freeze-out merger removes minority shareholders from the company, it often provides them with an opportunity to receive a fair value for their shares. This can be advantageous for minority shareholders who wish to exit the investment or who may not agree with the direction the company is heading. The cash payout or stock exchange offered in a freeze-out merger can be a lucrative opportunity for these shareholders.

How We Can Assist You

At Perez Mayoral, P.A., we specialize in guiding businesses through complex transactions like freeze-out mergers. Our experienced team understands the legal and financial intricacies involved and is dedicated to providing tailored advice and support. Whether you’re a majority shareholder looking to consolidate control or a minority shareholder seeking fair compensation, we can help navigate the process with confidence. Reach out to us today to learn how we can assist you in leveraging the benefits of a freeze-out merger for your business. Let’s work together to achieve your business goals and secure a prosperous future. When you are ready, speak with our Miami partnership dispute lawyer.

Miami Partnership Dispute FAQs

Partnership disputes can affect the health of a business and, if not handled properly by your Miami FL partnership dispute lawyer, they can lead to serious consequences. At Perez Mayoral, P.A., our team has years of collective experience across a wide variety of legal fields, ranging from employment law to breach of contract litigation. With this experience, we can walk you through some of the most common questions related to partnership disputes. Read on to get some answers, and contact us today to get started.

How Do You Avoid A Partnership Dispute?

One of the best ways to avoid a partnership dispute is by setting clear expectations from the start. This begins with a comprehensive partnership agreement that outlines each partner’s roles, responsibilities, and contributions. Regular communication between partners is also key. Schedule regular check-ins to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding business goals, financial decisions, and operational strategies. It’s important that any issues are addressed early to prevent misunderstandings from escalating into larger conflicts.

What Are My Rights If My Business Partner Breaches Our Agreement?

If your business partner breaches your partnership agreement, your rights will depend largely on the terms outlined in the agreement itself. In cases where no partnership agreement exists, your rights may be governed by state laws, which usually provide basic guidelines for handling these situations. You may have the right to seek damages, request dissolution of the partnership, or negotiate a resolution. Consulting legal counsel can help you evaluate your options based on your specific situation.

How Do I Protect My Interests In A Partnership Dissolution?

If you’re dissolving a partnership, protecting your interests requires a clear understanding of both your rights and obligations under the partnership agreement. Additionally, taking steps to protect business records and ensuring that all financial statements are accurate can safeguard your interests. Communication with your partner throughout the dissolution process is important, but if communication breaks down, legal intervention may be necessary to help resolve disputes fairly and prevent further complications.

What Should I Consider Before Filing A Lawsuit Against My Business Partner?

Before filing a lawsuit, it’s important to weigh the potential outcomes and costs of litigation. Lawsuits can be expensive, time-consuming, and damaging to your business’s reputation. Therefore, it’s often worth exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, which might offer a quicker, less adversarial solution. Your Miami partnership dispute lawyer can help you consider all of your options.

What Legal Documents Should I Review When Facing A Partnership Dispute?

When a partnership dispute arises, several legal documents are critical to review. First and foremost is the partnership agreement, as this document typically contains the guidelines for resolving conflicts, distributing assets, and managing the partnership’s day-to-day operations. Any correspondence, meeting notes, or emails that relate to the dispute should also be reviewed, as these can help clarify the issues at hand and may serve as evidence if the dispute goes to court.

Contact Us Today

At Perez Mayoral, P.A., we understand that partnership disputes can be stressful and disruptive. Whether you’re looking to resolve a conflict amicably or need assistance in protecting your interests, our team is ready to help. Contact us today, and see what a Miami partnership dispute lawyer from our office can do for you.